house on the nature in the mountains by the river

53.000 € VB

12437 Berlin - Treptow
  • Art Kaufen
  • Lage Ausland
  • WLAN
  • Möbliert
  • Kühlschrank
  • Backofen
  • TV
  • Keller
  • Garage/Stellplatz


in Portugal,
House in the river by the mountains - with: 2 floors, 3 rooms, other compartments, 1 kitchen, living room, 2 independent entire spaces. - 2 wc´s - outside areas with garden, fuit trees - olive/ orange/ lemons / kaki/ apple - several species.

By the river - possible to make a beach! - private.
own entrance by the park
quiet area, between two villages! only trees, green land, the park and the river - as neighbors

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